Situation Normal - Cooler Empty (Queets Addition)

I headed back out to the Queets on the 14th hoping to turn my luck around and at the very least share some pictures of what the river looks like in sunlight. The water visibility was not quite good enough to spot fish and gauge their reactions to the many pounds of new lures I have started hoarding. Plenty of fish but none were persuaded to ease my streak of failure.

In the name of scouting I took advantage of the low water to scamper along the bluff. Some surprising underwater shelves helped explain the distribution of salmon splashes and I didn't die so it was all good.

If you are keeping score, that is over 20 hours of fishing with one pity coho on the Queets this year... Which obviously means it was time to double down and dedicate a three day weekend to the pursuit. Coming next time - fish!!