Monsters of the Deep

Spare a moment of pity for the wife who married someone that thinks standing in the dark in subfreezing temperatures, trying to snag some calamari is a happening Friday night. It was a little late in the squiddy migration but I had some new toys to try out so we bundled up and packed the hand warmers for an evening on the town.

Added a submersible light and battery to my squid arsenal.

The blob did its job and attracted a school of little fishes. There were probably squid hanging around in the shadows but mostly I snagged little herring or smelt. Two very small but overly ambitious squid did hit my lures but they were also returned. Rumor had it there was a school of squid across the water from us but a seal was aggressively chasing them down. The refuge fishermen ended up migrating to our end and we all snuggled together for warmth.

Undeterred by the futility of the first attempt, I woke up at zero dark thirty to try it again on Sunday morning... still failed but surprisingly almost as many people were there to fail with me.

This counts as my Christmas post because there are lots of bright lights... Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone!