Happy 2020!

Happy 2020! I hope everyone made it through the holidays with their sanity, health, and belts intact. This is late and out of sequence but I'm so far behind that I need a quick post to build up some momentum. I don't like to make excuses but carrying out this tree was when I realized that my distracting illness was going to be a little more involved, three straight weeks of fever later, my liver is enjoying a rest from the Tylenol and I'm starting to feel like a normal human again. Daycare viruses are tough...
For the first time ever, the Seattle Steele clan had a good excuse to get a Christmas tree. Our target was a Grand fir I had geo-tagged during the deer hunt, possibly the only attractive Grand fir on the property.
Grand fir was on the menu because my timber manager advised me to take out every one I could find. They are so shade resistant that they grow in thick, tall packs underneath the Douglas and Ponderosa so that when a wildfire hits, they are the easiest path to a crown fire and major sadness. In a natural environment, wildfires would toast them every 10-20 years but that is not the environment today. So we did our part and harvested this very threatening looking Christmas tree and then chopped it in half so it wasn't so darn heavy.
Next year I look forward to sharing a true Charlie Brown tree and joining the little man on some real sledding hills before the new seedlings get too tall.